Normally, I think they require a bank check or money order. You should contact them to see if they will accept a credit card payment.If you don't make your car payments on time, your lender might have the right to take your car without going to court or telling you first. You scrimp and save, and pay all your debts and accounts on time. The credit card company can only repossess the furniture if they have a written agreement allowing them to do that if you default on your payments. In most cases, a secured creditor can repossess the property that serves as collateral for the loan without filing a lawsuit against you. You can literally walk away from credit card bills, medical expenses, repossession deficiencies, old apartment leases and personal loans. Repossession occurs when your lender seizes this asset because you defaulted on what you owe. Cars are the most commonly repossessed assets. Here's a look at what's driving the surge in repossession and auto loan delinquencies and what likely lies ahead.