Record Request Information: Please be as specific as possible in describing the records being requested. Also, please note that your preferred.A true copy is true to the original, meaning it looks like the original and is as legible as the original. The notary is simply stating that the document photocopy is a "true" and complete copy of the original document that was presented. If you need a notarized copy of your original diploma, you will need to return the original diploma to our office. A successfully recorded document consists of two (2) items: your document and the correct payment for recording. You must be able to prove where you or the child was born if you want to change your name or your child's name. Complete the Certification section of the Form I9. The State of Nevada, that all assertions of this affidavit are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DISTRICT COURT RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS Word Fillable.