The Answer is your response to the Summons and Complaint and tells the court your defenses or reasons why the mortgage Lender must not win the case. File and send an Answer.The first step for you after receiving the summons and complaint is to file an Answer with the court and to send the Answer to the. The complaint, which can also be called a "petition," will set out all of a lender's claims for seeking a foreclosure. A fillintheblank answer form is available to answer the complaint (the "pro se answer form"), with instructions on how to complete the form. To respond to a foreclosure Complaint, you must file a legal document called an Answer. In an Answer, you either admit or deny allegations made in a Complaint. You will receive a Summons and Complaint which contains the lender's allegations. Do I have to answer the complaint? Fill out the form to access a sample of Practical Guidance.