You can dispute a repossession online with all three credit reporting agencies, and this is the most efficient way to pursue removal. There are three expert tactics that can really help you to permanently remove them.Contact your lender, they are ultimately responsible for ensuring personal property found in a repossessed vehicle is returned to the debtor. Dispute the repossession with a credit bureau. File a complaint with the CFPB, FTC, and your state's attorney general to report a debt collector's FDCPA violations. How to File Regulatory Complaints Against The Bureaus and Creditors. Jessup claims that she lost her house in a foreclosure on a second mortgage of which she was unaware. A tow truck driver MUST ACCEPT CASH, CREDIT CARDS AND DEBIT CARDS as payment for the drop charge. To file a claim for benefits on credit insurance, ask your lender for a claim form and instructions on how to complete. DEBTOR. 7 CFR Parts 761 through 767 set forth FSA's regulations for FLP's.