Plaintiffs in a replevin action must execute several procedures in order to file for an action of replevin in civil court. In a given lawsuit, a judgment may direct a dismissal of the lawsuit, order payment of a money amount or a direct one or more of the parties to do an act.The Circuit Court has a form for the Complaint for a Writ of Replevin. Replevin is available to a party seeking the return of goods pursuant to a court order directing a party to return the goods or collateral to you. When the debtor fails to appear, the creditor may file form 7.344 - Order to. A. Writ of Replevin. B. Affidavit from the Plaintiff or another person who must state: 1. Scope of Rules, One Form of Action, Commencement of. District Court, 160 Colo. 475, 418 P.2d 181 (1966).