The notary is simply stating that the document photocopy is a "true" and complete copy of the original document that was presented. If the client brings the copy to you, inspect the copy closely and compare it to the original to assure the copy is a true copy."I'm not a singer that plays a bit of drums; I'm more of a drummer that sings a bit". A search will generate all cases for the case type chosen from the office of the District Clerk, County Court at Law Clerk and. Justices of the Peace. You must be able to prove where you or the child was born if you want to change your name or your child's name. So my mother took my original BC to a notary public, who made 10 copies and certified each one as a true and accurate copy of the original. You will need to fill out a Civil Case Information Sheet form, which you can get at the courthouse. This motor vehicle is being transferred. Fill in the blank Request for Information from Original Contractor form formatted to comply with all Texas recording and content requirements.