NOTICE: This is a public document, which means the document as submitted will be available to the public upon request. Landlords must file a Verified Complaint, Summons and Return of Service and Landlord Case Information Statement with the court.Get expert advice on filing a verified complaint form in New Jersey, including landlordtenant disputes and pursuing owed amounts. The Verified Complaint Landlord Tenant New Jersey form, known formally as Appendix XI-X, is a legal document used in the state of New Jersey for landlords. I have read the Complaint and certify that the allegations contained in the Complaint are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. The Verified Complaint for Nonpayment of Rent form is a critical document for landlords in New Jersey facing rent-related disputes with their tenants. The Appendix XI-X Verified Complaint - Nonpayment of Rent (NJ Judiciary) form is 3 pages long and contains: 0 signatures; 3 check-boxes; 66 other fields. Superior Court of New Jersey. Law Division, Special Civil Part. In the text of the complaint, allegations of place are material.