The cost to County of completing Contractor's performance shall be deducted from any sum due Contractor under this Contract, without prejudice to County's. This agency shop agreement shall continue for the life of this contract for all current eligible employees. The Ar cles and provisions contained herein cons tute a bilateral and binding agreement. This Employment Agreement is made and entered into between the General Manager of the Contra. This MOU shall be presented to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, as the governing board of the County and appropriate fire districts, as the joint. Evaluation Forms: All formal evaluations shall be filed in the employee's official. The Agreement as an independent contractor and not as an employee of CCWD. "Council" means the Contra Costa Building and Construction Trades Council. "District" means Delta Diablo and its employees, officials, and agents. County Employees Association, Local No. 1 may participate in the County Group.