I certify that I, or the firm, company, or corporation I am authorized to represent, am the legal owner within the meaning of California Vehicle Code. The Clerk-Recorder's Office does not offer blank forms of documents for recording.Clerk-Recorder Staff is prohibited from giving legal advice. Official Forms for Viewing and Downloading. You have 30 days to respond to a debt lawsuit in California. This policy tracker summarizes the key economic responses governments are taking to limit the human and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you decide to use the state forms, you can use these official instructions to fill out the forms. After full payment of defaulted taxes against which a certificate of lien has been recorded, an Unrecorded Release of Lien notice will be mailed to the owner. Any and all claims for punitive damages. The Court may strike out "any irrelevant… matter asserted in any pleading.