This article explains when and why your vehicle or property can be repossessed, your rights, and how you might get the property back. Texas repossession laws require a lender to have a valid lien on the vehicle to repossess without a court order.This page will provide an overview of Texas's Repossession Laws and what you should know if you've fallen behind on car payments. If you owe a debt, act quickly — preferably before it's sent to a collection agency. Select the applicable "Method of Repossession" and attach any required documentation, if applicable. This completed form must be submitted to a county tax. In order for a lender to repossess, or take back, the property: (1) it must be collateral for the loan and (2) you must have defaulted on your contract. A repair shop lien is a possessory lien, which means that the shop has to have possession of the vehicle for which it has made repairs. When attempting to file a mechanics lien in Texas a lawyer or attorney must be well versed in the Texas Lien Laws. Find all Texas Lien Laws here.