This article delves into the nuances of replevin actions in Texas, offering guidance for both divorced and expartners seeking to retrieve their belongings. This article explains when and why your vehicle or property can be repossessed, your rights, and how you might get the property back.When someone takes your property wrongly and refuses to give it back, you can file a replevin action. Repossession and foreclosure are both processes that a creditor uses to reclaim property you put up as collateral for a loan, the procedures are different. How do repo companies find your car? While repossession does not involve a formal process in court, replevin consists of getting the court to order the consumer to return the vehicle to the lender. Property can be subject to replevin or repossession when the debtor defaults, or fails to pay, under a contract. Agreement, the lienholder may repossess and transfer ownership without securing title in the dealer's name. Texas Writ Mandamus best Form. Texas Writ Mandamus Form Fill Out Printable PDF Forms Online.