Select the applicable "Method of Repossession" and attach any required documentation, if applicable. This completed form must be submitted to a county tax.How do I fill this out? To fill out the form, first gather all necessary documents related to the repossession. To find out how you can stop repossession of your vehicle using bankruptcy, contact a Dallas-Fort Worth bankruptcy attorney today. Written orders take the form of general orders, standard operating procedure, and other directives as needed. 2. This page will provide an overview of Texas's Repossession Laws and what you should know if you've fallen behind on car payments. To submit a complaint login to your Customer Portal Account and select 'Contact Us' then Submit a Complaint. Loosely speaking if you modify the car and use it in a marketing type of venture, you may end up getting the wrong type of attention from Ferrari themselves. I am pleased to join you today at the ninth annual U.S. Treasury Market Conference.