This form must be completed when a vehicle is repossessed. All fields are required to be completed.The landlord must deliver a written "Notice to Vacate" or "Demand for Possession" naming each occupant the landlord seeks to evict from the premises. Learn more about Texas' repossession laws, what Texas repo agents can and cannot do, and what happens after the car is taken away. The Instructions for Completing the Orders – currently under the Temporary Ex Parte Order form – apply to all orders, including the MOEP. In Texas, lenders must provide notice about the repossession and intentions regarding the sale or disposal of the repossessed property. The Forms Directory is for professional use ONLY. Attempting to use a form without legal instruction can have severe and long-lasting negative consequences. Use if you are the respondent in a divorce and decide to waive legal notice that is otherwise required. Why Work with NTX Eviction?