—An action for replevin must be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction based on the value of the property sought to be replevied. You must also complete and file the enclosed MOTION FOR FINAL JUDGMENT OF REPLEVIN.This is a case of an unmarried, cohabitating couple that jointly bought a dog and now dispute who should have the dog after the relationship has terminated. Sherwood successfully instituted a writ of replevin and recovered Rose. This should be filed in the Justice Court. Once filed, you will request a form called a Summons. Customer: How do I file for replevin order to get my ESA animal home . (c) The license shall be granted upon condition that the dog shall be controlled and restrained from killing, chasing or harassing livestock or fowl. Bulkhead requirements; fills out side cit)' limits. Levine sued Knowles, alleging negligence or malpractice in the treatment of Tiki, which caused its death, and alleging that the cremation was done wilfully.