Replevin actions involve disputes over ownership or possession of personal property, such as cars, boats, or artwork. It's designed to be quick and easy to file, and it doesn't cost much to bring the action.While repossession does not involve a formal process in court, replevin consists of getting the court to order the consumer to return the vehicle to the lender. A writ of replevin serves as a court order that provides authority to seize and return collateral to a creditor. Some forms of recovery seek financial damages; however, replevin seeks to repossess a physical item itself. It also requires filing an affidavit in the county or district court where the property is. All that is needed to seek an order for replevin in Florida is a writ of replevin, filing fee, and security bond. My personal belongings are in a repossessed vehicle (due to default to a loan). The recovery company's charging me A fee. All that is needed to seek an order for replevin in Florida is a writ of replevin, filing fee, and security bond.