Under Florida law, replevin, repossession, and attachment are actions to secure possession of property. All you have to do is fill out the writ of replevin form, pay a filing fee and post a security bond.This form applies when the plaintiff has recovered possession under a writ of replevin and prevailed on the merits. While repossession does not involve a formal process in court, replevin consists of getting the court to order the consumer to return the vehicle to the lender. It also requires filing an affidavit in the county or district court where the property is. Tomorrow, when you go to the court to pick up the signed writ of replevin order, you can then provide it to the sheriff. Step 2 — Fill out Forms. 2. What do I need to file a replevin? If after the show cause hearing, the court decides that a Writ should be issued, the Writ directs the Sheriff to pick up the vehicle. If after the show cause hearing, the court decides that a Writ should be issued, the Writ directs the Sheriff to pick up the vehicle.