Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office. View current repossessions, request more information and submit offers.Who is eligible to purchase a repossessed vehicle from Founders Federal Credit Union? Call your lender before jumping to conclusions so you can clarify how to set things straight. Find out if you can get your repossessed car back. Laws, cases, and web sources on repossession law. The main reasons for a car repossession include not carrying required car insurance and failure to make loan payments as agreed in the contract. You go and find a car you like, finance it with the lender of your choice or let the dealership find you a lender. Complete Form MVR4A properly signing in the presence of a notary. 2. A purchase money security interest (PMSI) is a legal first claim to repossess property financed with its loan when a borrower defaults.