Repossession of motor vehicle or motorcycle; garageman's lien; notice to police. 1. Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office.This form is used to obtain a Pennsylvania Certificate of Title for vehicles not currently titled in Pennsylvania, or which were repossessed (1. In order for a lender to repossess, or take back, the property: (1) it must be collateral for the loan and (2) you must have defaulted on your contract. 1. Enter the lienholder's name and address. Complete in blue or black ink or print form. 2. In order for a lender to repossess, or take back, the property: (1) it must be collateral for the loan and (2) you must have defaulted on your contract. Title Classifications and Fees, Buying a Motor Vehicle, Selling a Motor Vehicle, Other Motor Vehicles, Forms and Information HS-7 Declaration form or similar form (sample next page). As for the mechanics of repossession, I think it would depend upon the state.