Repossessed vehicle titles and tags can be obtained at your County Tag Office. How to fill out the Georgia Affidavit of Repossession Form T-16 Instructions?1. Collect owner and vehicle details. 2. The proper procedure is to submit a write with the county where you obtained the lien. The sheriff's office will then seize the vehicle and sell it at auction. This page will provide an overview of Georgia's Repossession Laws and what you should know if you've fallen behind on car payments. Affidavit Inheritance of Motor Vehicle form may be obtained from the Internal Administration Unit, Trinity-Washington Building, Atlanta, Georgia 30334. Under Georgia state laws, if you delay your car payments or your loan contract defaults, the car lender has the right to repossess the car. Some lenders may try to work with the vehicle buyer, rather than repossess the vehicle. After your car has been repossessed in Georgia, the lender will notify the debtor that they have ten days to pay off the loan and repo fees in full.