On this day of. ,. (Date). Dated. and consisting of.Pages, is a true, correct and. Georgia certified copies are a true and correct copy of business filings, which can obtained from the Georgia Secretary of State. Visit our frequently asked questions about required information, identification documents, fees, and more below. Can you certify a copy in your state? The "Secure and Verifiable Identity Document Act" requires applicants for licensure to submit an Affidavit of Citizenship and a secure and verifiable document. TRUE - Georgia law prohibits a notary from making a certified copy of any public record or publicly recordable documents. A notary may make a photocopy of the client's document, then write or fill out the "True Copy" notarial certificate, then put their signature and the stamp. A notary performs a notary copy certification when they verify that a copy of an original document is a true, correct, and complete copy.