Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office. The first thing you need to do is call your finance company.Select the applicable "Method of Repossession" and attach any required documentation, if applicable. This completed form must be submitted to a county tax. If you need help getting your car back after a repossession or you think the bank violated the law in the repossession, consider talking to a lawyer. If your property was repossessed within 30 days of the maturity of your title loan agreement, you may have a claim under the Act. Basically call all the loans due and repo the other car which may be paid up to date. Although in Chapter 7, you usually have to be up to date on your payments to reaffirm the loan. What is required in order to purchase a one-trip, 72Hr, 144 hr or 30 day permit? Finally, ensure that the form is notarized after completion. imageSign.