If you don't make your car payments on time, your lender might have the right to take your car without going to court or telling you first. Customer: My car was repossed today without notice due to my insurance cancelled for a couple of days.This fact sheet talks about repossessions, what can be taken, and what to do if your property is being repossessed. This article covers how vehicle repossession works in New York state and what your rights are as a New Yorker. What should I do with my insurance if my car is repossessed? No, the insurance company cannot repossess the vehicle. Only companies that have a lien, or legal claim, on the value of that car, can repossess it. I was served a civil summons for a past car that was repossessed. What can they legally get from me? You should receive a certified letter from the lender usually within a week after the car is repossessed.