Notice of Sale for a Motor Vehicle. Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office.These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for Circuit Civil cases. Please fill out the form below to get pricing and more information regarding Triton Protect. What if I'm having trouble paying my car loan? In instances where a license plate has been issued, the code AT (for all-terrain vehicle) or SN (for snowmobile) should be entered in the LIT Field. As represented in the statue, Lee Roy has a firm, bold stance and strong stature with a kind expression on his face. Guaranty in a form and content acceptable to Authority that Company will clean up the contamination at its own expense, at no expense to Authority, and in. Handled incoming calls from salespersons in a Call Center environment for an extremely busy office in a company specializing in forms design and manufacturing.