These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for Circuit Civil cases. Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office.If the form you are seeking is not in th is l is t, you may seek legal advice. We have a full range of lenders waiting to service our customers credit needs, so we can find the best financing to fit your needs. Complete the form in its entirety ensuring all fourteen (14) lines are checked off and the form is signed. The form will need to be notarized. Hillsborough CDJR developed a program to help people get pre-approved for a new new vehicle based on things other than their credit score! They don't have to give you any notice. Moreover, missed payments can lead to the bank initiating repossession without even providing notice to the borrower. Review the following information: Scenario 1 - Ten-Day Notice Before Repossession.