As was recently announced, TransCanada has agreed to sell its U.S. Northeast retail power contracts (the "Transaction") to EDF Energy Services, LLC ("EDF'). Background: The Houston Parks and Recreation Department (HPARD) requests council action authorizing the First Amendment to the existing.The chance to work as a contractor in the United States is an exciting opportunity for Canadian workers to experience a foreign market, expand their skill set. For credit card payment complete authorization form. PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Deposit: No Deposit due for 2024 shows. Center in Houston, Texas. "Term" means the term of this Agreement as set forth in the Business Terms Exhibit. 1523 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. 25. The NBA season is nearly complete, which means teams are about to start preparing for the offseason. You're one step closer to locating a Costco Auto Program Approved Dealer.