The purpose of the exhibition agreement is to create a legally-binding contract between exhibitioner and artist that protects the legal rights of both parties. Want to know exactly how to fill out and explain the buyer's representation agreement as well as the associated addendum to all of your buyers?In consideration of the services to be performed by. Contractor, Company shall pay Contractor the fees set forth in. The transactional attorneys at Hendershot Cowart PC have valuable experience guiding business owners and investors through the purchase or sale of a business. This Agreement may be renewed at the sole discretion of Agency for up to four (4) one- year renewal options at rate fees specified in the attached Exhibit A1. Complete the services described in Exhibit A of this Agreement. Service Expectations outlined in the Service Level Agreements attnched hereto as Exhibit "D. Agreement as Exhibit "A-1". Any changes in the Contract Price shall only result from authorized revisions to the Scope of Services and Fee Schedule.