In the event any Vendor terms conflict with the terms of this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. Vendor shall include these Standard Illinois.Certifications in any subcontract used in the performance of the contract. The Parties to this agreement are the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts (AOIC) on behalf of the State of Illinois. Instructions and requirements to submit a bid response are found in the attachment titled "Invitation for Bid Vendor Instructions and Requirements". You and your Subcontractors must pay all salaries and wages due all employees performing the. In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this. In connection with signing and carrying out this Agreement, Contractor: (a) warrants that Contractor is appropriately licensed under Illinois law to perform the. Bid and Contract documents to the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) per instructions. The contract will not be finally awarded to Vendor unless Vendor's Utilization Plan is approved.