You need to write the Foreclosure letter to the branch manager. Also, make sure you state the reason for foreclosure very clear and concise.This article will provide you with the format and samples for a loan foreclosure request letter format and help you write a good letter. Foreclosure Letter: Want to close your loan permanently with the full payment? Write the account closure request letter using the application samples given below. I request you to kindly close my car loan account and provide me with all the original documents I had submitted when I applied for the loan. When you ask for a foreclosure statement, the existing lender gives the total dues, to be paid within a particular date. Step 1 requires a filing within three business days after mailing a 90-day pre-foreclosure notice and is designed to capture the most relevant information. When you are included in the lien sale, the City of New York sells your debt to an authorized buyer. The buyer then has the right to collect what you owe.