The following are guidelines to help you formulate a repossession policy for the credit union to follow. Question: How long does it take for an auto lender to repossess a vehicle after missed payment or defaulting on contract terms?This article covers how vehicle repossession works in New York state and what your rights are as a New Yorker. What rights do you have when your car is being repossessed? The accounting for assets acquired in liquidation can be applied to both repossessions and foreclosures, whether voluntary or involuntary. Each credit union may set its own policy on the conditions of default that will trigger repossession. These conditions of default are included in the loan agreement, which is the contract governing your loan. The buyer must accept the terms as offered in the dealer's form contract or not buy the goods at all. Each claim is arbitrated on an individual basis. CNBC Select rounded up some personal loan lenders you can apply to for funding during a difficult time.