Students can submit a complaint if they believe their school is failing to follow the Principles of Excellence through the centralized online reporting system. Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office.I am making this statement in order that I, the applicant, may obtain a credential to operate a vessel under the provisions of Title 46 CFR, as applicable. Intent to Graduate Form. Graduate Registration Forms, Re-Admit Forms, Registration Form for Graduate Courses, Admission Overview, Admission, Graduate Admission, International Admission. Most students enrolled at Alcorn State University choose to borrow to assist with their education financing. Your loan amount will be based on your eligibility. Numbers due to small numbers overall in the Grad programs. The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS) The Regent. Preble High School is a comprehensive high school located on the east side of Green Bay.