Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office. The following is a sample vehicle repossession letter disputing collection activities associated with a deficiency from a motor vehicle repossession.If you've stopped paying your creditors for unpaid debts, they will likely report your account as a charge-off after four to six months of non-payment. Adobe Reader may be required for your browser or you may need to download the form to complete it properly. Generic. They don't have to give you any notice. If your vehicle was impounded under ARS 28-3511 or Phoenix City Code.​. To request a Post Storage Hearing fill out the Hearing Request Form online or contact:. Special Excess Weight Permit. CVO-109. In instances where a license plate has been issued, the code AT (for all-terrain vehicle) or SN (for snowmobile) should be entered in the LIT Field. They have all of the necessary tools and experience to properly diagnose and repair your motorcycle.