You must be able to prove where you or the child was born if you want to change your name or your child's name. The notary is simply stating that the document photocopy is a "true" and complete copy of the original document that was presented.You can use the Post Office's Document certification service, to certify documents such as passport, driving licence, utility bills, bank statements. A certified copy does not verify the authenticity of the original document, only that the copy is a true copy of what appears to be an original document. If the client brings the copy to you, inspect the copy closely and compare it to the original to assure the copy is a true copy. Certified true copies must be signed, dated, and clearly state that they are true copies of the original. Here's what you need to know when a customer presents a set of documents for copy certification. Click "Log On" in the upper right corner of the screen. Completed Checklist (PDF 171KB) (print and complete); Original requesting documents. If you are unsure of the fee, please note the amount not to be exceeded on the check and a staff member will fill in the appropriate amount for you.