The following sample agreement is for study in the development of exhibitions designed to tour to multiple venues. A registrant must furnish as an Exhibit B copies of each written agreement and the terms and conditions of each oral agreement.The exhibitors shall agree to the exhibition purposes of JPCA Show, Microelectronics Show, JISSO. The exhibition, on display May 2 - November 3, 2024, for the first time brings together multiple Masuda artworks that unravel kawaii concepts. If the Contract Sum is a Stipulated Sum, in accordance with Section 3.2 of the Agreement, Exhibit A is not applicable. The exhibition features artist Sebastian Masuda, known as "King of Kawaii," and will share an in-depth look at the Japanese "kawaii" culture and style. With over 23 years of experience in the sports and live event industry - including 12 years at AEG Sports, the LA Kings and Crypto. When used in the Contract Documents, "shall" indicates a mandatory duty on. Contract Labor. Agreement. When used in the Contract Documents, "shall" indicates a mandatory duty on.