You need to write the Foreclosure letter to the branch manager. Also, make sure you state the reason for foreclosure very clear and concise.This article will provide you with the format and samples for a loan foreclosure request letter format and help you write a good letter. The person applying for the closure of the loan account will have to state the reason behind the closure and follow the format for writing the letter. The Summons and Complaint. To start a case for money, the plaintiff fills out forms called a Summons and a Complaint, or a Summons with Notice. The date of foreclosure considered in the above calculation is 20-Sep-24. Personal Loan Closure Letter Format​​ I am writing this letter to request you to close my personal loan account with the number 1526xxxxx4656. Most Department of Finance transactions can be conducted online. When you ask for a foreclosure statement, the existing lender gives the total dues, to be paid within a particular date.