While repossession does not involve a formal process in court, replevin consists of getting the court to order the consumer to return the vehicle to the lender. The proper remedy for repossession is replevin.Superior right to be retained title in his application, repossession writ of replevin? Who is replevin writ of repossession agent to repossess has created an. Replevin is a legal action to secure possession of personal property such as cars, boats, and artworks. Few cases have actually reached the question of the requirement of due process in the context of self-help repossession. Before then, GFRS never showed up at the Lutz Office to peacefully repossess its Equipment, even though it was entitled to do so under the terms of the Lease. It is a right which the law gives to have a debt satisfied out of a particular thing. Replevin, also known as "claim and delivery", is an action to recover personal property that was wrongfully taken or detained. 2 Llc, for Torts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) in the District Court of Kings County.