If a car loan lender can't repossess a vehicle, it will probably get possession of the car through a process called "replevin." While repossession does not involve a formal process in court, replevin consists of getting the court to order the consumer to return the vehicle to the lender.In California, a vehicle can be repossessed if the borrower fails to meet their loan obligations or fails to make insurance payments. Plaintiff applies for (check all that apply):. Writ of possession after hearing (Code Civ. If you get behind on your car payments or don't have auto insurance, the loan company can take your car. This is called vehicle repossession. What will happen if a writ of replevin is issued against myself for a financed vehicle that I no longer have possession of? When someone takes your property wrongly and refuses to give it back, you can file a replevin action. Replevin is the legal term for having seized goods returned to their previous owner; in other words, the return of property.