I certify that I, or the firm, company, or corporation I am authorized to represent, am the legal owner within the meaning of California Vehicle Code. If you get behind on your car payments or don't have auto insurance, the loan company can take your car.This is called vehicle repossession. Repo's Allowed: If repossession discussed with debtor the secured party must give a ten-day notice otherwise peaceful repossession allowed. Searching for an experienced car repossession attorney in Los Angeles, CA? You will need to pay the impound fees to get your car back. If you don't make your car payments on time, your lender might have the right to take your car without going to court or telling you first. When a repossessed vehicle is sold through a dealer conducting a wholesale motor vehicle auction, the renewal penalties due may be waived. Although there is no required prior notice of repossession, after the repossession you are entitled to written notices from two sources. Call your lender before jumping to conclusions so you can clarify how to set things straight.