For Juvenile matters only: Please download and complete the Juvenile Cover Sheet and submit it with your exhibits. Most are self-explanatory: • Agreement to Serve Alcohol Part I and Agreement to Serve Alcohol Part II -.It is recommended that you submit ALL exhibits at one time with one submission form. EXHIBIT A Project Description. EXHIBIT B- Owner's Proposed Budget and Schedule. CONTRACTOR shall maintain records for a period of at least two (2) years after termination of this Agreement, and shall make such records available during that. The selected Contractor should have the ability to implement a turnkey solution that includes collect, prepaid collect, and debit calling options. This Use Management Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") is entered into between Maricopa. In the event that Concessionaire files an insurance claim for the SWCC Facility, Concessionaire shall notify the MCPRD's Contract. Complete its Work in a timely manner and consistent with the Contract Documents.