Nutrition Assistance provides eligible households with monthly benefits they can use to purchase nutritious food. You can report changes in the following ways: By completing the Change Report form and mailing, faxing, or submitting it to your local DES office.To submit it, you must enter your name and address (if you have one), and sign the form. Need more information about a property? Click below or call 866-637-5341 to check eligibility. Select a topic below to expand a list of questions and answers. If you still need assistance, you may contact us at: 1-855-777-8590 or or visit Contact DES. If you need help filling out the application form or have questions about the proofs FAA needs for your application, be sure to ask. In addition, some argue that a credit card debt will be based on the governing law for the transaction as set forth in the cardholder agreement. During the COVID-19 pandemic, HUD also instructed communities to classify emergency housing vouchers and some other forms of emergency assistance as OPH.