CONTRACTOR shall provide the City with a written and complete budget outlining all planned revenue sources and expenditures. Once the form is filled out and submitted to MCSO, the contractor shall be notified if approved and a jail access identification card will be issued.In the event that Concessionaire files an insurance claim for the SWCC Facility, Concessionaire shall notify the MCPRD's Contract. To provide SERVICES under this CONTRACT, the CONSULTANT will provide to MAG a. Contract Administrator means the person administering this agreement on behalf of Maricopa County. Human Services Department (MCHSD). The Contract shall contain the entire agreement between the City of Tucson. 1.2. The County may, at its option and with the agreement of the Contractor, renew the term of this. (4) A 30-day advance notice cancellation provision. The Contract shall contain the entire agreement between the City of Tucson.