You must have physical possession of the vehicle and be a Maryland resident in order to receive a Maryland title for a repossessed vehicle. This article is about auto repossessions, required creditor notices, and related consumer protections in the state of Maryland.Maryland, no prior notice to the debtor is required before repossession of the car takes place, however, if no. An action for repossession of the property may be initiated if the total amount listed below is not paid within 10 days. Financial hardship is a situation where a person cannot keep up with debt payments and bills because of unforeseen or unexpected circumstances. Even if you successfully complete a voluntary repossession, the payments you missed on the auto loan will still appear on your credit report. Secured loans are loans taken out to buy a particular thing. Car loans are a typical example of a secured loan on personal property. Filing a Failure to Pay Rent Case? This class will help you learn how to fill out the form. Watch.