Replevin actions are filed in the District Court only. In the case of a replevin, you also must file the Request for Service and the Show Cause Order. 2.Replevin and detinue are legal actions that allow you to seek the return of property. Before deciding which type of case to file, consider the following. SHOW CAUSE ORDER IN ACTION OF REPLEVIN. (Md. To initiate the replevin process with your attorney, you will file a Complaint form, a Show Cause Order, and a Request for Service. The plaintiff files a complaint form with the court. Generally speaking, it is best to file the action in the jurisdiction where the improperly seized materials are being held. A person claiming the right to immediate possession of personal property may file an action under this Rule for possession before judgment. (1) A person claiming the right to possession of personal property may file an action under this Rule.