Replevin actions are filed in the District Court only. At Lusk Law, LLC, we have extensive experience handling replevin and detinue claims, which are generally litigated in district court.Most forms used in the District Court are contained in this index. The process of starting a replevin action usually begins with filing a complaint. When you file for replevin, you must demonstrate in a Show Cause hearing that you are entitled to gain possession of the property right away. Filing a replevin or detinue requires four steps: 1. SB 760 will provide relief for financially strapped animal control agencies as well as. To initiate the replevin process with your attorney, you will file a Complaint form, a Show Cause Order, and a Request for Service. This is a case of an unmarried, cohabitating couple that jointly bought a dog and now dispute who should have the dog after the relationship has terminated. 499. United States Government known as the Arlington reservation, in the.