SHOW CAUSE ORDER IN ACTION OF REPLEVIN. (Md. Filing a replevin or detinue requires four steps: 1.To initiate the replevin process with your attorney, you will file a Complaint form, a Show Cause Order, and a Request for Service. Need help filling out court forms? A replevin action delivers a temporary decision that may enable the plaintiff to repossess the disputed property until a final ruling is rendered via detinue. From here, you will file a Complaint form, as well as a Request for Service and a Show Cause Order. Lenders in Maryland are required to not breach the peace when repossessing a car. Replevin is an alternative to repossession that gets a court involved and avoids a confrontation with the debtor. It also requires filing an affidavit in the county or district court where the property is. When you file for replevin, you must demonstrate in a Show Cause hearing that you are entitled to gain possession of the property right away.