You, the lien holder, must have physical possession of the repossessed vehicle and have a connection to Maryland in order to receive a Maryland title. Here are a few tips for completing the form: The form asks you to describe the property you wish to have released from garnishment.This page will provide an overview of Maryland's Repossession Laws and what you should know if you've fallen behind on car payments. Most forms used in the District Court are contained in this index. 1. Enter the date in the designated field. Judgment liens in Maryland are good for 12 years after they are recorded. Lien information - If you borrowed money to buy the vehicle, the lien information may need to be recorded on the application. Form should be used to record a lien on an existing title certificate or for the original lien holder to reassign the security interest in a vehicle. I'm pretty sure my lien release doesn't say much more than "We no longer have an interest in this vehicle. Directions for filling it out are included in the form itself.