This article is about auto repossessions, required creditor notices, and related consumer protections in the state of Maryland. This notice must provide the debtor with information in writing of the date, time and location of the scheduled sale. Redemption.Here are a few tips for completing the form: The form asks you to describe the property you wish to have released from garnishment. Revision date (version) can be found in the lower left-hand corner of the form. To evict a tenant a landlord must file a complaint under oath in District Court using a "failure to pay rent" form. This class will help you learn how to fill out the form. Watch. Your account number is provided with the loan details in the welcome letter that you receive in the mail after your new loan is funded. Your account number is provided with the loan details in the welcome letter that you receive in the mail after your new loan is funded. How do I retrieve a towed vehicle? What is a 10 day repossession letter in Georgia?