The Certificate of Origin, Maryland title or out of state title must be submitted with the request. Additional forms may be required in certain circumstances.This page will provide an overview of Maryland's Repossession Laws and what you should know if you've fallen behind on car payments. The circuit court will record or "attach" the lien to your property to give notice that you owe money to the plaintiff. Fill out the form to download your free Maryland Notice of Intent to Lien Form. The creditor generally has 3 years (4 years if the debt is owed for the sale of goods) from the date the debt becomes due to ask the court to order you to pay. The creditor generally has 3 years (4 years if the debt is owed for the sale of goods) from the date the debt becomes due to ask the court to order you to pay. Repo's Allowed: After 20 day "Right to Cure" letter from lienholder to debtor, repossession allowed without committing a breach of peace. Next, carefully input the lien holder's and customer's information as required. How to title (register) a vehicle in the District.