NOTICE: This is a public document, which means the document as submitted will be available to the public upon request. Landlords must file a Verified Complaint, Summons and Return of Service and Landlord Case Information Statement with the court.Need help filling out court forms? Get expert advice on filing a verified complaint form in New Jersey, including landlordtenant disputes and pursuing owed amounts. The safest way to remove a guest from your property is to use the court process. There are several reasons why it may be a bad idea to use self-help eviction. COMPLAINT FOR RENT ESCROW and BREACH OF WARRANTY OF HABITABILITY. Filing a Failure to Pay Rent Case? This class will help you learn how to fill out the form. Watch. The Verified Complaint Landlord Tenant New Jersey form, known formally as Appendix XI-X, is a legal document used in the state of New Jersey for landlords.