BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT PERFORMANCE or REASON FOR AMENDMENT: (Enter the Contract title, purpose, fiscal year(s) and a detailed description of the scope of. THIS AGREEMENT for_____________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Project"), is made the.This form differs from the others in Exhibit 25 in that the team members should fill out one Form 25A rather than submit separate sheets. 1. This agreement consists of the Exhibit Space Contract and these Exhibit Space Contract. Terms. Dear Name: This letter serves to record the understandings and agreements reached between the United States Life-Saving. Provided in the Request for Proposal and as stipulated in the form of agreement as basic services. The following new and updated forms have been sent to the forms providers. Please note it could take several days for the new forms to populate. MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY (Authority or Massport), a body politic and corporate. Provided in the Request for Proposal and as stipulated in the form of agreement as basic services.