Have you bought or rented a motor vehicle? If you can't meet the terms of the loan agreement, the loan company may take back (repossess) your vehicle.If you don't make your car payments on time, your lender might have the right to take your car without going to court or telling you first. While repossession does not involve a formal process in court, replevin consists of getting the court to order the consumer to return the vehicle to the lender. Learn more about STATE's repossession laws, what Massachusetts repo agents can and cannot do, and what happens after the car is taken away. The process of starting a replevin action usually begins with filing a complaint. If a breach of the peace occurred you are entitled to an amount NOT LESS than the finance charge for the car loan plus 10 percent of the principal amount. If a car loan lender can't repossess a vehicle, it will probably get possession of the car through a process called "replevin." Our team of MA vehicle repossession lawyers understand the state's laws and are ready to help you make the decisions needed to restructure your debt. Written repo notices often fail to comply with the law, and they can lead to valuable claims. Name. First